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A Message from John Lennon


~ a world in total peace
~ No more military trained to kill
~ “Defense” daily billion$ re routed providing common wealth for everyone
~ Species saved from extinction – precious flora and fauna under attack
~ Happier, healthier lifestyles
~ Pollutions lessened, energies cleaned
~ Any problem on the planet addressed as a Bonded One World team (every country working together)
~ Real democracy where citizens get to vote on governance laws and actions

If you like that then IMAGINE

~ World leaders, trained in working together, dedicated and bonded to every other country’s leaders to create the above via a two year university course conducted by wise, caring, experienced influencers teaching how to govern as a One World entity and how to cure today’s ills to make life so much better

If you cannot see that could happen, then IMAGINE

~ An absolute worldwide viral spread of the news, in all the world’s languages, and throughout all the world’s ways, that there are students of world government ready to stand as a team and soon to graduate for overwhelming election to their country’s top leadership positions and all of this made possible by an immense information reach so that Everyone hears about this movement and can hardly wait to elect UPNOW graduates to top leadership roles

~ Iconic caring and doing and famous the world over “stars” lending their names in support – one of whom launches the university along with eager cronies

~ Old world governance has been presidents, premiers, kings, despots, warmongers assuredly losing elections to the governance graduates as EVERYONE – ok, almost everyone – knows about the positive world change on its way, thanks to the dissemination of the news over a multi year campaign discussed in every media forum and across every backyard fence (no more Air Force One mega jets, anal security measures, rockstar status etc)

~ New leaders communicating via technology carrying out their agreed upon programs and sharing open tables with their citizens who are excited experiencing the freedoms and funs of a New World.

Now, deep breath and open heart, IMAGINE

~ that you care to take a few minutes to help this happen (its initial success depends on people like you caring to expend a few moments to spread the news – to “own” a piece of the action… the phenomenon!)

~ that this is the biggest positive news on the planet since the United States issued their Declaration of Independence and is, arguably, MUCH MORE IMPORTANT AND EXCITING.


A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world… You…

You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will live as one

Thanks so much for reading this and super thanks to all who “join us” by simply forwarding this mail to everyone they know who might share their care. This is the start of World Change which is so desperately needed if we are going to sweeten the mess we have produced for our children and, indeed, all denizens that share our ride on this so lovely planet. Together we can do this…And the world will live as one.