ANNOUNCING – The World’s long sought, most creative change energy since the United States Declaration of Independence, or any other positive and exciting historical happening. This is presented for progressive, caring, intelligent and actionable people who understand how fear, greed, and conformity have combined, along with a herdish and slavish mob mentality, to bring the planet to its weary knees via warmongers, and politicians plus their puppeteers who care only about staying in power, to ply their often corrupt ways, with little positive or productive thought beyond contempt for the rest of us.
Out of the Deep Nature roaming the still magical scapes of Patagonia arises a movement that is creating the mental and emotional space to intelligently and far sightedly Change the way the world works. It is not for Everyone yet as mob mentality requires sterling stand out thought and action leaders to show the way to begin the repair, the rebuilding of our lovely planet home. But it WILL happen – it absolutely has to happen, and here is how:
UPNOW – (United Peoples Network – One World) is born and will bring about complete and unified demilitarization (proverbial world peace), species preservation– both flora and fauna, Commonwealth and all manner of cures for the myriad issues which are plaguing our Planet, threatening well being with hideous, foolish and unforgivable behaviors and eventual eco cide. If those of us who care, and can then choose to show up to Change our flawed stewardship, fail to help out, and instead act like ostriches plunging our heads back into the sands of time, we will be guilty of allowing doomed idiocy to prevail.
This phenomenon is being presented and shared here with weekly writings showcasing the various aspects of the movement while gathering active adherents from every country and every walk of life. Take a look and see how the billions of bucks spent daily on deadly military toys and endless pollutions will be redirected to making life so much better for all Earth denizens.
So. The latest ”plan, hope, dream…..guess” is to invite Juan Martin del Potro, Lionel Messi, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Greta Thurnberg to form an initial team to support UPNOW, lending their Starry wonder filled names to the cause, make the model a household word as it benefits Everyone other than arms manufacturers, psychopathic killers, and others who profit from deadly wars and bloodbaths.
Politicians will be an archaic abomination – a pathetic mistake of the past.
Be prepared to open your consciousness to a revolutionary movement channeled from who knows where, but believable and oh so very necessary such that reason and love can also roam these Earth ways. If it is out of time, premature, still it needs to be seeded now, so that our children have some chance of enjoying the Creation as it is meant to be.
Please don’t be an ostrich; join this energy to make it a glorious reality in our lifetime. Believe, Share (send this to your caring contacts), and Act. Thanks! You will be able to tell your grandchildren that you were part of making this happen.
Ashley e books available at – all proceeds go to JAG.
The world is in a precarious state regarding endless bloody, embarrassing wars, eco cide, species extinction, health and welfare challenges is known by all conscious beings.
Unfortunately there are not very many of those beings who do anything about the situation. It would be a good thing if that could change and caring individuals would wake to both the impending dangers and disasters, and proceed to do something – to evolve from being part of the problem to embracing and furthering the solution.
We here at JAG have a story to share complete with World Change energy. We invite caring or curious individuals with some spare energy to help out. Decades ago we found deep within us a sad feeling for mighty trees being felled heartlessly, and set out to see about saving them and reforesting. From there we went on to understand that we were, all of us, contributing to eco cide by our consumptions and endeavored to control somewhat our footprint behaviors.
Extinction Parades were offered but with zero exposure or traction. What did happen, however, was an understanding that with the business and corporate and governmental worlds filled with growth and production goals, cutting consumption seriously would bring about recession. Which led us to invent our global governance model, UPNOW – with designs to have the entire world work together to create mature and evolved understandings that we All have to agree to get rid of war and shuttle the billions of dollars every few hours spent on weapons and armed forces into welfare and commonwealth.
Here, then is the story of UPNOW. Sure – it won’t be immediately easy but with enough care and love and dedication it will at least get seeded into planet saving dialogues.
Hello. If you can feel in your heart and in your mind that something needs to be done, and it needs to be much more effective than the gelded United Nations club whose members are politically puppeted, then please read on. If you are an arms manufacturer or like playing with killing toys, and watching others bleed out, or just don’t care at all what our children and grandchildren are being left by our generation, then …. OK, go back to mindless and heartless pursuits – bye.
Those who stay – here are some do items;
- Please share using the bar on the left (BTW-the green envelope on top goes to your email for easy sending)
- Share to reporters, influencers, poly sci professors, rich uncles, possible adopters, big name Stars
- Promote contributions from foundations etc
- Buy books at and enjoy and share
- Take a look at your personal footprint, lighten up a bit
- Promote an Extinction Parade in your community
- Enjoy the Creation and have Fun
Please take 10 seconds to click in your name on our petition to Mr. Leonardo DiCaprio to be our spokesperson.
UPNOW University is inviting Leonardo to become our Spokesperson. Please sign our petition to invite Leo to help us create a more peaceful, and sustainable world.

Join 129 others who have signed