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The first person who effects a meeting for us with Mark Zuckerberg to negotiate our Proposal, will receive an invitation for a free week at our 100,000 acre estancia in the Argentine Patagonia. (see

Facebook stop war? Yup – we give them VOTE (Voice of Today’s Everyperson), and they use their world best outreach power to effect local, and then global, use of what is termed the world’s next superpower – Everyperson (YOU!). In return we only ask that Facebook support JAG (Jaguar Ambassasdors Gang), our 501 c 3 non profit organization,  so we can produce environmental awareness and responsibility via our Extinction Parades. We also give an asset sharing company, assk – WOW!

We salute Facebook for achieving the status of arguably being the most powerful entity in the world in terms of outreach and vision. As such we have chosen them for this alliance which will change the world.

 “Commonsense will make Commonwealth”

We need YOU to please do your part to make this go super viral, (you know how), as a demonstration that you, the people – Everyperson – want peace and environmental consciousness to reign on Earth. (It IS time!)

These, together with our experience and love are what we offer to Facebook. Details as well as intrigue are available at, and – great books at

YOU who love Facebook and appreciate the communications therein will now be able to be proud that your company has an opportunity to perform on such a critical & timely platform.  Go Facebook – World heroism awaits!


Thanks, vamos!!!